Street Tree Information

Street Trees

Street trees are those trees that are located within the public right of way. If you are unsure as to whether a tree is on private property or in the public right of way please fill out this form or call the office at 508-393-5030.

Trimming and Removing Street Trees

To report street trees that are dead or dying, as well as dead limbs that pose a hazard to sidewalks, roadways, or privately owned structures residents can submit a Tree Request via the Street tree report or by calling the office during business hours at 508-393-5030.

The Tree Warden identifies street trees for removal beginning in summer, after healthy trees have leafed out and dead or dying specimens can easily be identified. Tree crews also keep an eye out for hazardous dead limbs. Trimming and removal work can take place year-round, depending on weather conditions. However, the bulk of the tree removal is done in the winter.

Tree removal is generally a three-stage process, and the work may be spread over several days. Step 1: The crew removes upper limbs, down to the main trunk. Step 2: The main trunk is cut into lengths and removed. Step 3: The stump is ground.

Healthy street trees cannot be cut down – either at the request of residents or the Tree Warden – without a hearing. The date and time of this hearing is publicized on a placard affixed to the tree, in the legal notices section of the Worcester Telegram, and on the DPW web site. Anyone who objects to the removal must protest by writing to the Tree Warden or by appearing at the scheduled hearing. The removal request must be referred to the Board of Selectmen if there are any objections. In this case, the resident who wants the tree cut down can file an appeal with the Board of Selectmen.

Residents who ask for removal of a healthy street tree are legally responsible for all costs associated with this process, including notification, conducting the hearing, removing the tree.