Office Workout Series (virtual)

Event Date: 
Tuesday, October 25, 2022 - 10:00am to 10:30am

Do you intend to work out, but don’t get to it because you’re too tired after a long day of work?  Join us for this fun and active virtual program where we will be participating in exercises as we learn about the health benefits and how to squeeze exercises into our busy lifestyle.  There are many benefits of incorporating exercises and stretching into your workday, some of which include:  increased energy, decreased stress, decreased risk of injury, increased mind/body connection, increased bone and muscle mass, increased metabolism and many more, so sign up today!  No experience necessary.  All levels are welcome.

Registration is required. Click HERE to register.  Participants will receive a Zoom link in the registration confirmation for this event.

Jill Patterson, RDN is an award-winning registered dietitian nutritionist, certified personal trainer, and group fitness instructor.  She has been quoted in the Huffington Post, Parents Magazine, and local news outlets.  She specializes in providing wellness education programs that inspire individuals to implement healthy habits.  She works with community organizations and workplaces and has provided programs for libraries, senior centers, town departments, universities, schools, banking/financial institutions, manufacturing companies, athletic apparel companies, wholesale stores, grocery stores, furniture stores, energy companies, travel companies, technology companies, and more.  She is passionate about helping people live their happiest healthiest lives!  You can find her at