ARTICLE 29 (CIP): PEASLEE ELEMENTARY – Asbestos Encapsulation – Chimney

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) for the encapsulation of chimney ductwork at the Marguerite E. Peaslee Elementary School, including all costs incidental and related to be raised by taxation, transferred from available funds, borrowed, or otherwise appropriated.
− During the District’s 3-year Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) inspection and report, Hub Environmental Testing, Inc., identified the sheathing around the boiler chimney at the Marguerite E. Peaslee School is compromised and needs to be stabilized and rewrapped per AHERA regulations. This is a new project for the FY25 Capital Plan and requires our immediate attention. The estimated cost is $30,000 and includes consultation services for AHERA compliance and the construction of the sheathing to secure the encapsulation. The goal of the project will be to provide compliance and safety to the boiler space.

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clip on Northborough Cable's YouTube Channel:
