ARTICLE 20 (CIP): DPW/FACILITIES – Fire Station Brick Repointing and Sealing

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000) for the use of the Department of Public Works to fund brick repointing and sealing at the Fire Station building, and to meet said appropriation the sum of Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000) be raised by taxation, transferred from available funds, borrowed, or otherwise appropriated.
− This Article provides funds for repointing and sealing of the bricks at the Fire Station at 11 Pierce Street. Repointing will restore the facade's strength and prevent future damage from water intrusion. Sealing the brick facade serves as an additional protective barrier against future moisture infiltration.

For further explanation of this article, please watch this video
clip on Northborough Cable's YouTube Channel:
