ARTICLE 18 (CIP): DPW/FACILITIES – Facilities HVAC Upgrades/Modernization

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) for the use of the Department of Public Works to fund the replacement of select heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment at the Police Station, Library and Senior Center, and to meet said appropriation the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) be raised by taxation, transferred from available funds, borrowed, or otherwise appropriated.

− This Article provides funds for the replacement of portions of the HVAC systems at the Police Station, Library, and Senior Center. As noted in the 2023 Facility Condition Assessment, there are several systems well past their useful life. Completing these replacements will ensure that potential future issues are addressed in a proactive manner. Thus, preventing the need for costly emergency repairs and/or the risk of additional damage caused by down systems.

For further explanation of this article, please watch this video
clip on Northborough Cable's YouTube Channel:
