ARTICLE 12: Adoption of Provisions of Building Rental Fund for 4 West Main Street

To see if the Town will vote to adopt the provisions of MGL Chapter 40 Section 3, which allow for the balances of rental receipts remaining at the end of a fiscal year in the building rental fund established for 4 West Main Street to remain in the fund to be expended without further appropriation for the upkeep and maintenance of the building.
− Rental receipts for 4 West Main Street are currently maintained in an account and the receipts may be expended by the Select Board during the year for the upkeep of the property. At present, any balance remaining in the account at the end of the fiscal year goes into the general fund. This Article would allow for the account balance to carry over to the next fiscal year rather than close to the general fund.

For further explanation of this article, please watch this video
clip on Northborough Cable's YouTube Channel:
