Prior Enforcement Requests and Updates

Traffic enforcement is under the jurisdiction of the Northborough Police Department.  Their webpage contains links to request many things including enforcement and speed monitoring.  Please us this link access thier webpage;

Date of Inquiry: 02/22/2021


Amazon trucks are now parking up on Jenkins Drive and Stirrup Brook Lane, and possibly other parts of Northborough at all hours of the day and night with engines running and lights on, just feet away from homes creating unacceptable noise, pollution and a significant reduction in quality of life. Can the BoS consider a town bye law that prevents large vehicles from parking in residential areas of Northborough unless they are loading or unloading? I came across a useful and related report in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette on similar issues being encountered in the city of Worcester. I have included the link to the article for your reference. Thank you



Thank you for contacting us through the webpage reporting portal.  Regulations exist that can help with your concerns including idle time limitation and restrictions on parked vehicles impeding safe travel.  In the future, please report your observations to the Police Department through the following link so that proper enforcement may occur.